Instructions for account deletion for the Nuvoton LoRaWAN Demo mobile application

  1. Log into the mobile application with your username and password
    • If you do not remember your password, follow the 'forgot password' prompts
  2. Navigate to the 'Devices' page
  3. Select the profile settings icon in the top right corner. (Person and gear icon)
  4. Follow the 'delete profile' promts.

Privacy Policy

Last modified June 01, 2023

  1. Application Owner
  2. Nuvoton and Dornerworks

  3. Data Collected
  4. The data collected from a user is first and last name and email.

  5. How Data is Used
  6. The data collected from a user is for account creation to use the application.

  7. Data Storage and Protection
  8. The accounts are created and stored within AWS Cognito

    AWS Cognito
  9. Tracking Tools and Phone Permissions
  10. This application uses bluetooth for a wireless connection to the M2354 device.

  11. Third-Party Access
  12. The data collected is shared with AWS in order for account creation.

  13. Changes and Updates to this Policy
  14. This privacy policy will be modified as features are added to the application.